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Project List


# Project Name Start End Word Project Type Amount Latest Status Progress
1 Road reform on the north side of Talpukuria Rafiqul pond 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৩ tr ৫৫৮২০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
2 Jahidul Hassan Father-Saleh Akand village: Solar panel set up at Khanpur's house, 75wp 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০৭ tr ২৭৩০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
3 Road reforms from Sallafa pucca road to Afsar's house 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০২ tr ৪৩৫০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
4 In front of the house of Fatema Begum's house on the three-head of Nalbariya Drikkhaga street = Solar Strret Light established 60 wp 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৮ tr ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
5 Solar Stright Light installed in front of Abdur Razzak's shop at Gopalpur Government Primary School 60 wp 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০৩ tr ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
6 Filling and reclamation of roads from Nalbariya Government Primary School to Drykhaga Cemetery 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০৮ tr ৪৩৫০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
7 Place the solar panel in front of Abdullah Al Mamun's house 65 wp 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৮ tr ২৭৩০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
8 Road reform from the road of Khanpur Badshipara Khorshed's house to Rich's house 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৭ tr ৪৩৫০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
9 Solar Strret Light installed in front of Moti Shop in Chhatiani Bazar 60 wp 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০৬ tr ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
10 Solar Stright Light installed in front of Dahhhhana Phani Shop 60 wp 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৭ tr ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
11 Road reform from Dashikapara Dabir's house to Amjad's house 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৮ tr ৪৩৫০০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত