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Project List


# Project Name Start End Word Project Type Amount Latest Status Progress
1 60wp Solar Strret Light installed on the streets in front of Omar Ali's house with three heads of Baritoli road 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০১ kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
2 Sallafa dead on the streets of Ghazaria, set 60 wp Solar Strret Light in front of the shop 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০২ kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
3 Solar Stright Light Installing 60wp in front of Obaidul Master's House on Baritoli Road 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 01 kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
4 Ripon father Delwar village: Solar panels placed at Gopalpur's house 60wp 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০৩ kabita ২৪৭১০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
5 Road reform / complete construction till the mosque of Bhai Kashem Prang of Bablu House from Bhatra Abdul's house 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৪ kabita ৫৫৮৩৭মে: টন 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
6 Solar Stright Light installed in front of Nazmul Shop in Gazaria Market 60 wp 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০১ kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
7 Solar Strret Light installed on the road leading to Khanpur Union Council No. 4 No. 60 wp 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০৭ kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
8 Rehabilitation / construction of road up to Rabiul's house from Abul's house in Kafura (Bhadrapara) of Bhandara 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 05 kabita ৫৫৮৩৭ মে: টন 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
9 Md. Abdus Samad Parent - Ramjan Ali Pram: Founding 65wp Solar Panel at Sallafa's Home 28-02-2019 30-06-2019 ০২ kabita ২৪৭১০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত
10 Gazaria placed 60 wp Solar Strret Light in front of Ghulam Nabi's shop on three heads 20-09-2018 30-06-2019 ০১ kabita ৫৬৪৯০-/ 13-07-2019 বাস্তবায়িত